The cycle veered around the corner, and Anne stopped. She had seen something big disappear into the trees on the right as she had turned.

What had it been?

She looked past the spot, where there was a piping overhang over the road, like a tunnel, leading to the gates of a large, steel fence rising up. Beyond that, she could see the roof of a large, dirty facility. On the sides of the road leading up the pipe tunnel were the remains of dead dinosaurs, ripped apart. None of them looked too fresh,

The cycle rumbled forward, passing the spot she had been watching, and then under the piping tunnel, until it stopped at the gates. As she had woven her way through the carcasses, she couldn’t help but feel nauseated by the scent.

As she stopped at the gate, she saw that there was a walking path leading off to the right, where the smaller gate was open. She turned the cycle onto the path, and slowly drove it forward. She passed through the walk-in gate narrowly, rumbling out onto the dirt floor of the area.

On the far left side of the complex she saw a large, wooden tower, with a metal door that was closed. Taking up much of the area opposite the gate was the large facility that just loomed there in the sunlight. All around there were several light systems, but only one was flickering on and off. Leading up the path to the stairs of the facility were some crates. Just short of the tower she saw what appeared to be a vending store, with two or three gas station pumps outside. The windows were smashed, and the door was lying a few feet from where it should’ve been.

A car was just short on her side, from the gas pumps, and the driver’s side door was wide open. The passenger’s side window was shattered.

“Pretty happy place.”

She rolled the cycle forward, turning up the path to the stairs of the complex, constantly looking around. Without any problem, she stopped the bike at the base of the stairs, got off, and ran up. The two double doors were already open, and she jogged inside.

As she ran into the lobby, she saw a huge painting covering the entire back wall. She saw a set of massive gates, marked ‘Jurassic Park’, and several dinosaur renderings plastered around it. “Jeez…”

She looked right, where a glass door, covered in a green substance, welcomed her. The room was windowed all over the outside, and all of it was green, from what she could see through the broken blinds. She pushed open the door, stepping inside. She felt the crunch of something beneath her feet.

She walked past a moss-covered table, looking at the vines that ran down the walls on all sides. On the far wall opposite her, she saw a built-in desk, with vines pushed away and ripped off.

She saw what she was looking for.

The radio.

It took up the left side of the table, and a hand-held communicator was sitting next to it. She ran over, scooping it up, and said, “Hello, hello.”

She expected an answer. She slapped her forehead, “Idiot.” She sat the communicator down, inspecting the radio. “They used this last year…”

She flipped up a switch, and a light flickered on from behind the vines. She pushed them away, seeing a red indicator light flashing.

“What’s that for?”

She flicked on another switch. Several short periods of static filled the room, coming from the communicator.

She flicked another switch, and a loud pop exploded from the radio. She sniffed the air, smelling smoke. “Ah, no!”

The communicator filled with static, as smoke began to rise from the radio. She snatched it up, flicking up the talk switch, and said, “Hello, can anyone hear me?”


“Please, I need help! I’m on Isla Sorna… Site B! Anybody!”

The static stopped. She was hoping for someone to answer.


She dropped the communicator, listening to it clack on the floor.

The radio was dead.


Anne backed away from the radio, fear dawning in on her. Everything was caving in.

She would never get off this island.


She’d have to stay here and become extinct.

She turned away, heading back to the door, when a glint caught her eye in the vines, on the wall to the left, which faced the fence and clearing outside. Only one window was here, but there was a lot of wall still left.

She moved to it, pushing away the vines, and saw a glass case. There was some green mold caked on it, but she easily brushed the layers off, leaving only a faint green tint on some parts of the glass. A map was inside the glass case.

“Just like the one I found earlier…”

She saw that the glass was locked on, and she couldn’t unhinge it. She looked around, focusing in on the communicator. She moved over to it, picking it up, and walked back to the glass. With one, mighty swing, she smashed the glass with the communicator base. It cracked heavily, and with her second swing, it fell away.

The map looked fresh now, and it seemed complete, unlike the first one.

She took it out, ripping off the small parts in the corners to do so, and looked at it, backing up to the window in the sunlight. She traced her way through where she had been: the harbor, the river, the aviary… All the way to where she was now.

There was a little radio-symbol lined up next to the marked location of the facility, and she shook her head slightly. “Not anymore…”

Her eyes drifted up, beyond the facility, to the north-most region on the map. Some sort of mountain rise. There was small trail, leading up, and then a large space was cleared, indicating two buildings, one with…

“A radio!”

On the map, she stared into the second radio-symbol, feeling a new sense of hope well up inside of her. She followed the trail past the radio building, where the road bent around the far right side of the mountain, spiraling down. At the base, on the other side of the mountain from the radio symbol, by the shore, she saw a big structure, labeled: ‘Landing Platform.’

“Great,” she said, smiling. “I make it there,” her finger tracing on the radio-symbol, “follow the path around the mountain, and get to the landing platform. They’ll pick me up there. With the cycle, I’ll get there in no time.”

She laughed, clapping her hands, and folded up the map, slipping it into her back pocket.

She walked to the glass door, pulling it open, the blinds tapping against the glass, and stepped out into the lobby. She returned outside, walking down the steps to the motorcycle.

“I’ll double back. There’s got to be a road parting I missed, that’ll take me to the base of the mountain.”

She climbed up onto the cycle, turning it around. She started it up, starting down the path toward the walk-in gate she had entered.

In moments she had passed through it, and returned under the piping tunnel. She looked back at the complex, looking through the bars of the fence, and then looked forward again, coming out of the pipe tunnel.

“Oh my God.”

She abruptly stopped the cycle, trying to stay hidden behind one of the remains of a large dinosaur. She had seen something big from behind, feasting on one of the bodies. She risked a glance around, seeing the unmistakable sail rising up the animal’s back.

It was the Spinosaurus.

“I can’t get past it now…”

She looked across the other side of the trail, seeing that the ground dropped a few feet into the forest. Another hill.

How far would it go down?

Would it take here far enough away?

Where would it go?

More forest, of course.

“But it’s the only way.”

There was pounding. She looked around the corpse, horrified to see that the animal was walking up the path in her direction, a large piece of flesh hanging from its crocodile-like jaws.

“I have to move.”

She quickly turned the cycle to face the forest on the opposite side of the trail. The trees were spaced out enough for her to coast through and turn at the right times. “Go.”

The Spinosaur roared as the cycle rumbled in front of it, darting out from behind the carcass. Anne leaned forward.

She didn’t look back to see what the Spinosaur was doing, before she started quickly weaving between the trees, toward the dip in the ground.

As she hit it, the cycle seemed to fly over it, before landing with a jolt on the slope. The cycle rumbled down, bouncing, gaining speed. There were snaps and cracks as the tires ran over countless branches and leaves. She veered the cycle left to avoid a tree on the slope, and was happy when the cycle ran for several seconds at the bottom.

She pressed the brakes, feeling something brush against her face. She had closed her eyes, lying on the handlebar to relax. After a minute or so, she sat up, looking around.

“Now where am I?”

It appeared that she had shrunken, since the grass on all sides of her looked as though it was a pumped-up version of someone’s lawn. The tall grass swayed, and she looked back where she had just come.

The tall grass had been slightly trampled, but the rest had popped upright, blocking her view of the hill. Tall grass was splayed out in odd angles beneath the cycle, and she scratched her nose.



She started the cycle, driving it slowly ahead, listening to the ruffle of it against the tall grass as it moved.

I don’t like this… I feel like I’m being watched…

She pulled out the map, unfolding it. She had stopped the cycle once again.

The area she guessed she was in was in a shade of green, and unlabeled. “There’s nothing here but the tall grass. They wouldn’t mark something unless it was a facility or something…”

She refolded the map, sliding it back into her pocket, and gripped the handlebars. “I’ve been going west, since I went off the trail, so I’ll just need to head north to get to the mountain.”

She started to turn on the cycle again, when she heard a low, fading hiss.

Anne’s mouth dropped, she couldn’t believe it. She heard something ruffling through the grass somewhere to the left as she listened.


It had to be.

But how’d they get here so fast? She had taken care of them at the ravine…

These must be different.

“Well, if that’s the case,” she whispered. “I can’t sit here all day and wait for them to get me.”

The motorcycle roared to life, and she heard several low, disapproving snarls as the ruffling got closer, moving in on all sides.

The cycle jumped, racing through the tall grass. She looked right, as a raptor leaped into the air, its entire body exposed over the tall grass. It was tanned a horrible dark-brown, unlike the ones she had encountered earlier. It was illuminated in the sun.

She swerved the cycle, as the raptor collided into the tall grass, rolling away, entirely hidden. Another raptor shrieked behind her, and she looked back to see another one pass behind her and disappear once more into the tall grass.

She curved the cycle right, watching the tall grass part as the cycle rumbled through it. Ahead, she saw another raptor leap above the tall grass, coming down, and she swerved the cycle right again. The raptor clipped the back of the cycle, causing it to shake, and Anne looked back to see it disappear as the tall grass moved back into place.

The top of a boulder peered over the tall grass ahead, and she drew closer to it, the raptors snarling and hissing around her. She swerved around the boulder as she neared, a raptor coming around from the right, carrying something in its jaws.

She turned the cycle around the boulder, continuing north.

She could see the peaks of several more boulders scattered around the tall grass ahead. “The forest’s got to be just a bit farther!”

She pressed the gas as hard as she could, gritting her teeth. A raptor darted toward her from the tall grass ahead, cutting its way through. She could see the quick rise and fall of the top of its head above the tall grass, moving fast.

She cut left, moving toward another boulder. The raptor snarled behind her. “Come on, come on.”

She veered the cycle right, just a few yards short of the boulder, moving through the tall grass toward another. As she drew closer, she stood up, allowing a quick glance over the grass-line to see that the forest was getting closer.

A raptor came out of nowhere on her right, snapping its jaws furiously. Anne swerved the cycle, the back end pulling away from the raptor. She spun it, facing the raptor, nudging its chest hard. It snarled, hissing, backing away for a moment. Anne took the chance, spinning the cycle back, and pressed on.

The raptor ran after here, and she knew they were running in the tall grass on both sides of her. She could see their heads bobbing over the grass.

She bent right, as a raptor passed behind her on the left, trying to flank. Anne swung around the boulder ahead, as the raptor was joined by another.

She thought she could feel their breath on her neck.

The forest was straight ahead. A boulder was to the right of her path, and as she got close, she saw a raptor hop onto it, watching her. Anne squinted, determined.

She leaned forward, trying to gain speed.

She looked back, seeing that the two raptors were still cutting through the tall grass behind her, every now and then she could see there heads stretching out only feet from the back, teeth bared.

Only feet from passing by the boulder, the raptor jumped at her. It was quick, and Anne lowered her head. Its tail whipped over her, its whole body twisting in midair, realizing it had missed, trying to stop. It crashed into the tall grass, and she could hear an odd mangle of muffled shrieks and hisses.

She passed the boulder, looking back to see that the raptors had seemingly cut the chase for some reason.

The cycle came out of the tall grass, entering the forest. She slowed down, so she could weave between the trees.

“I made it,” she said, taking deep breathes. “I made it.”

She rode for several more minutes, the only sound coming from the motorcycle. She thought she saw shadows moving through the forest in the distance of the trees, but when she tried to see, they were gone.

The cycle rumbled out onto a hill, where she stopped it, looking out. Forest was below, and she saw a large clearing to the east she thought was probably a nesting ground. She could see the large, gleaming backs of animals moving around there, and it looked like a multiple dinosaur nest.

To the north, she saw the slow rise of the rock mountain, and searched the side she could see for the radio building. On the far east side of the mountain, she could see a jut sticking out, which curved to the other side. “That’s the trail that’ll lead to the Landing Platform.”

She smiled. “I did it.”

She looked at the west side of the mountain, seeing the trail bending down to ground level. “Another hour and I’ll be off this hell-hole.”

She started the cycle, moving down the hillside toward the forest below, moving north-west to the mountain trail.