Sinjin’s Walkthrough now available on TresCom

I recently emailed Mark Smith, also known as Sinjin, about hosting a copy of his walkthrough. Due to copyright issues we cannot host a copy of the full webpage however Mark Smith gave us permission to republish his text only version on our website. You can view his walkthrough by either going to the Walkthroughs page on the left or by clicking here.

Screen of the Week

This week’s screen of the week winner is yet again forum member Anna. You can view it at right and comment on the official Screen of the Week thread on our forums.

We need your screenshots!

We need more screenshots for the Screen of the Week! Please email your screenshots to: trescomops*NOSPAM*@*NOSPAM* (Remove the “*NOSPAM*”s).

Trespasser City images found!

I went through the Wayback machine and found most of the missing images to Trespasser City, which is one of the Trespasser fansites that were big around the time of the launch of TresCom. Now with most images on the site uploaded, you can see the site as it was meant to be seen!

TresDir: The Trepasser Directory mirrored

I don’t know if anyone remembers my old Trespasser site (way back from the days of the Jurassic Park Mainframe). But if you do (or even if you don’t) you can go and see how ambitious I was back when TresCom was still on Diehard.

TresDir: The Trespasser Directory

Original Trespasser Hacking Society site mirrored

Remember the THS2 page we mirrored before? Well this site is of the group that inspired the group that TSOrd was a part of!

The Trespasser Hacking Society.