Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tools And Compatibility Patches

Written on April 1, 2019 at 6:45 pm, by

Compatibility Patches machf have been busy again working on getting the levels from the early Trespasser builds to work with the retail engine. He has now fixed the .scn and .grf file from the early levels to properly work with the retail engine (except for some issues with Build 22’s IJ and TestScene level (for  Continue Reading »

New TPA Tools And Updated Sound Name Listings

Written on March 24, 2019 at 8:25 am, by

TPAupdate TPAupdate is a simple drag-and-drop tool to convert early TPA files (v130 and v140) to ones working with the engine from the release (v150). The Readme say: “This is a small program that updates the old version (v130 and v140) TPA files contained in earlier Trespasser builds, like Build 22 (E3 demo), Build 32  Continue Reading »

Pid reWrite And Canopy Valley

Written on March 13, 2019 at 3:06 pm, by

Pid reWrite For the past few weeks Rebel and machf have worked on a simple drag-and-drop tool to allow anyone to easily convert early v120 Pid’s into v130 ones (used by retail). This way you are able to view the early levels from the E3 build (Build 22) and PCGamer build (Build 32) in TresEd  Continue Reading »

JURASSIC TIME: The Preserved Hammond Recordings

Written on December 26, 2018 at 1:49 am, by Presented for the first time are the entire available recordings of Richard Attenborough’s performance of John Parker Hammond from the DreamWorks Interactive PC Game Trespasser- The Lost World: Jurassic Park. These were the same files featured in Jurassic Time: The Memoir Of John Parker Hammond- The Anniversary Edition, an audiobook-style presentation that included music  Continue Reading »

Happy 20th Anniversary Trespasser!

Written on October 27, 2018 at 7:30 pm, by

October 28, 1998 – Trespasser is released in stores around the world. Trespasser ended up being criticized and sold very few copies, even being called worst game of the year. While some see the game as a failure, we the community do not. Many people have come and gone during the years, spreading the love  Continue Reading »

Site and forum issues!

Written on April 7, 2018 at 8:40 pm, by

For the past few weeks we’ve had some experienced some issues with the site and forum, mainly were it is impossible to upload files over 1 MB. This apply to both regular members and the staff. This means it can be difficult to attach files to your forum post or that we can’t upload any  Continue Reading »

Jurassic Time Hammond Memoir Anniversary Edition

Written on December 25, 2017 at 11:16 am, by

“Jurassic Time” celebrates its 10th Anniversary of the “Jurassic Time: The Memoir Of John Park Hammond” with an updated video edition. Experience Richard Attenborough’s masterful, nearly-lost performance of John Parker Hammond: the tragic man whose dream of bringing dinosaurs back to life came true; before being swiftly ended. Cobbled from the ill-fated Trespasser- The Lost  Continue Reading »

Fall Lodge and other misc news!

Written on November 11, 2017 at 7:39 pm, by

Welcome, to another program of TresCom News! Fall Lodge Release There might have been an absence of news post but surely there have not been an absence of work in the community. Fall Lodge is a level with a small twist made by the community member Draconisaurus, crated for Halloween 2017. The level itself is  Continue Reading »

Intruder: Isla Sorna Demo and Level download section updated!

Written on May 20, 2017 at 5:02 pm, by

Intruder: Isla Sorna Demo Some of you might remember Deagles4life’s work on remaking Trespasser in the Unity engine. He made some really nice progress and have now released a new Demo for it. The Demo can be downloaded from below. DOWNLOAD “The download contains both version 2 and version 3 which are listed as v.2  Continue Reading »

Jack Horner – Talks at Google

Written on June 16, 2016 at 8:18 am, by

Jack Horner recently had an open discussion at Google. During the talks the renowned paleontologist covers several hot topics: “Jurassic World”, “Jurassic Park” & “Genetics”. The video is available right here:     If you want more, have a look at our exclusive Jack Horner interview, where he responded to our community questions.