Author: | glitchhunter09 |
File Size: | 1.54 MB |
Released: | August 6, 2024 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 28 |
Forum Topic: Glitch's Jurassic Park Chaos Effect Skin Thread
A selection of Chaos Effect skins inspired by the Chaos Effect toy line. Includes Raptor Beta, Raptor Alpha, Omega T-Rex and Green Trike. An example of Chaos Effect toys can be seen HERE (External Link).
Author: | gooplieslime |
File Size: | 32.44 MB |
Released: | August 13, 2023 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 289 |
The second dinosaur pack by gooplieslime, dinosaurs included (including credits):
JP1 Trex & JP3 Spino: Model done by me and textures are photoshopped from pictures from Stan Winstons Studios
JWTG Majunga: Model & Texture from Jurassic World the Game/Ludia
Oviraptor: Model from Dinosaur King DS game and textures done by me.
PS1 Allo & Carno: Model from JPOG and textures from the PS1 Lost World
TLW Arcade Raptors, Carno and Edmon: Raptor Models done by me, Carno and Edmon are from JPOG. Textures from the lost world arcade.
WWD Big Al: Model & Texture from WWD Dinosaur World
Sarcosuchus: Model & Texture from Dinosaur Safari ( Series of Assetflip games)
JP3 Spino sounds: JP3 movie
TLW arcade Carno & Raptor sounds: TLW arcade & JPTG
PS1 Carno sounds: TLW PS1
Author: | gooplieslime |
File Size: | 278.93 KB |
Released: | November 19, 2022 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 282 |
Author: | gooplieslime |
File Size: | 616.71 KB |
Released: | November 19, 2022 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 349 |
Raptor textures extracted from the Playstation 1 game "The Lost World: Jurassic Park", and converted to the TC-Isle raptor for Trespasser. Each dinosaur have a unique name to avoid replacing other dinosaurs present in the level.
A bonus green raptor is included (Leader Raptor), meant as the leader raptor from the The Lost World: Jurassic Park arcade game!
Author: | Second Illiteration |
File Size: | 888.36 KB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 1664 |
We've also got another package of skins up for grabs, provided by Second Illiteration. Download the Operation Genesis skins theme, which includes skins for the TribeA raptor, T.Rex, and albertosaurus.
S.I. also has released an upgrade for the Tribe_A raptor skin that was released. Make sure you download the additional file, to get the correct skin.
Note: This pack provides Trespasser-like skins for the JPOG dinosaurs ported to Trespasser - they are not for use in JPOG. S.I. clarifies this:
"The title was confusing, I know.
To clarify, all the skins I have created are for Trespasser. In most cases though, they are skins for the OG meshes that have been imported into trespasser.
I hope that clarifies a bit."
Note: An update is available: Tribe A Raptor Skin Update Download (426.1 KiB)
Author: | JPDS Team |
File Size: | 6.68 MB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 1164 |
A level containing all dinosaurs either used or planned to have been used in JPDS.
Author: | Rebel |
File Size: | 26.05 KB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 1500 |
Re-rigged version of the early Green T-Rex (Female version) seen in early pre-released images. The model is in .tpm format and ready for import.
Author: | Rebel |
File Size: | 121.94 KB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 1246 |
Model is the long clawed brown raptor not seen in the retail version of trespasser. The model is in .tpm format and ready for import.
Author: | Rebel |
File Size: | 31.96 KB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 928 |
Model is of the Para not seen in the retail version of trespasser. The model is in .tpm format and ready for import.
Author: | Rebel |
File Size: | 132.11 KB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 867 |
Model is the short clawed brown raptor not seen in the retail version of trespasser. The model is in .tpm format and ready for import.
Author: | Draconisaurus |
File Size: | 2.31 MB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 1077 |
Based on version 2 of Start Level, this level contains one basement mesh of each dinosaur found in retail Trespasser (including RaptorCBoss), as well as one ingame reference model for each (other than the Brachiosaurs). Designed for beginning modders to streamline CAnimal sourcing from the retail.
Author: | Second Illiteration |
File Size: | 14.71 MB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 828 |
Well I just started playing around with the different blending modes in photoshop, and was able to come up with a bunch of variations for skins for the raptor model.
In the pic, they are shown on an edited version of the tc-isle raptor which Ihaven't yet been able to get rigged properly. Still working on that. But the skins will still work on the standard tc isle raptor mesh. In my laziness I didn't clear out any extra stuff that might be inside these folders so that should be up to you. I think all bmps are 24bit so they'll need to be converted. Yeah my altered tc-isle raptor mesh was included. However it doesn't really work in game, so I wouldn't suggest importing it. As far as the low polyness of that model, it did that itself when I opened the mouth. I believe a similar thing happened when machf made a closed mouth version of the T Rex. Not sure why it does that. Anyway though the reason I made it open mouthed was so I could rig it better, hopefully to get it to work with the raptor bones. I spent a few hours going back and forth positioning it to try to get it to work on the raptor bones, without having to change it. didn't ever get it to look quite right, and I always had some problems assigning vertices due to the closed mouth, hence why I edited it to create an open mouthed raptor. It would be nice to see the model in some kind of game, with those textures. But either way, I think I ended up with some cool looking textures.
Author: | Second Illiteration |
File Size: | 5.48 MB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 934 |
And don't forget to download the second skin package, "Random Pack 2", provided by Second Illiteration.
Author: | Second Illiteration |
File Size: | 675.89 KB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 962 |
We've also got one more skins pack from S.I. Grab "Random Pack 3" and check out some more of his fantastic work.
Author: | Slash_Master |
File Size: | 147.00 KB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 921 |
We've also got a new creature, created by Slash_Master. Download his model of a wicked "deinocheirus" right now!
Note: we are also providing a re-exported mesh that can be properly opened in TPDC or 3DS MAX/Gmax with the bones being recognized as such.
Author: | Second Illiteration |
File Size: | 1.02 MB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 3115 |
We've also got a new pack of dinosaur skins, whipped together by the talented Second Illiteration. This package's theme is "Jurassic Park Movie," and includes skins for the Operation Genesis Brachiosaur, T.Rex, and TC_Isle raptor. Download the package.
Note from S.I.: I made a mistake with the brach skin, and some parts may need to be resized to 256 X 256.
T Joe deserves the most credit for these three skins. I just fitted them to the models. See more of his work at the Modding Genesis site.
Author: | Second Illiteration |
File Size: | 1.42 MB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 2546 |
Second Illiteration also has another pack of skins up for download. These skins are themed "Jurassic Park 3". The package features the male and female raptors, spinosaurus, and Operation Genesis T.Rex. Get this one hot off the press... erm... net.
Author: | Second Illiteration |
File Size: | 426.13 KB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 2793 |
We've also got another package of skins up for grabs, provided by Second Illiteration. Download the Operation Genesis skins theme, which includes skins for the TribeA raptor, T.Rex, and albertosaurus.
S.I. also has released an upgrade for the Tribe_A raptor skin that was released. Make sure you download the additional file, to get the correct skin.
Note: This pack provides Trespasser-like skins for the JPOG dinosaurs ported to Trespasser - they are not for use in JPOG. S.I. clarifies this:
The title was confusing, I know.
To clarify, all the skins I have created are for Trespasser. In most cases though, they are skins for the OG meshes that have been imported into trespasser.
I hope that clarifies a bit.
Author: | Second Illiteration |
File Size: | 1.76 MB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 1112 |
We have more skins from Second Illiteration! Download "Random Pack 1" to get more skins for the TC_Raptor, OG T.Rex, and Albertosaur.
Author: | Second Illiteration |
File Size: | 633.13 KB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 1238 |
Well, what Christmas season would be complete without a pair of red and green t-rexes? Forum member Second Illiteration has released these two creatures, and they are ready and waiting for a home in your level!
Author: | Asjad |
File Size: | 192.72 KB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 718 |
This is the first skin ever created. It replaces the original T-rex skin with a brand new green one. It is really worth the download. So do not hesitate and download it.
Author: | Asjad |
File Size: | 190.14 KB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 1157 |
Asjad's entry for the TresCom contest.
Author: | TC Ops |
File Size: | 3.58 MB |
Released: | December 14, 2020 |
Category: | Editing Assets - Dinosaurs |
Downloads: | 1697 |
"And you thought it couldn’t get any better… …well, you’re wrong. It just did! Allow me the privilege of introducing you to the newest member of the TC Ops dinosaur family – “The TC Enhanced Spitter.” What’s the enhancement, you ask? Why, it actually spits and uncurls its frill! Don’t believe me? Grab the level, download from FilePlanet, and see for yourself. A spitting spitter, who’d have thought?"
Note: An update is available: v3.0 Update Download (10.5 MB)
v3.0 Update:
Here's an update for the TC Enhanced Spitter to bring it to version 3.0 (version 1.0 being the original TC Dilophosaur seen first in TC Isle and version 2.0 the Enhanced Spitter available for download. After you've installed the Enhanced Spitter (download it if you haven't already done so, and follow the instructions), replace the .scn and .grf files with the ones contained in this .zip file.
There's also an in-game video of the Spitter in action in HD.
Video (8.41 MB)