• Author machf
  • File Size 1.12 KB
  • Category Utilities
  • Release Date December 14, 2020
  • Last Updated December 23, 2022
  • Downloads 492

GmaxScript - TRR Export

This is a "quick'n'dirty" MAX script converted from the TPM export script that lets you export Trespasser Terrain (.TRR) files, those which GUIapp can convert into .wtd files. This is the version modified to work with Gmax, although you can use it with 3ds Max too (but why?). Make sure to clear the MAXScript listener before exporting, and use GMaxSLGRAB to save the output to a .tpm file.

Originally, hppav converted the 3ds Max version 0.0.1 to work with Gmax (which I had omitted), then I re-converted it again after making some fixes in version 0.0.2.

Now this is version 0.0.3, made some changes so that coordinate values would be rounded to prevent GUIapp from crashing when attempting to create a .TRI file from the .WTD terrains it generates using the exported .TRR files.