Q. When will Trespasser ship?

A. It has. You should see it on the shelves around Halloween.

Q. Where can I buy it?

A. At most major software retailers. EB, Babbages, Best Buy, Target, K-Mart, Software ETC., to name a few.

Q. What are the system requirements for Trespasser?

A. - Windows95/98
- P166 (PII 266 Recommended)
- 32MB Ram (64 Recommended)
- 120MB Disk space
- DX 6.0 (included)

Q. How much will it cost?

A. EST of $49.95.

Q. What platforms will Trespasser be available on?

A. Trespasser is a PC only title.

Q. Will weather changes (snow, rain, etc.)occur during the game?

A. Not really. Trespasser takes place over the course of one day. As for nightime,..you wouldn't survive 10 minutes in the dark, so don't even ask!

Q. Will there be multiplayer capability?

A. No, it's really being developed as a single player game and multiplayer simply doesn't fit into the development schedule. Despite what you may have read in recent articles, there will be no multiplayer support in Trespasser. IF we have the opportunity after we ship, we may add it then. That is primarily up the DreamWorks, not the developers of the game.

Q. What about force feedback joysticks?

A. Possibly in a patch coming soon.

Q. Is everything true 3D?

A. Yes, including audio.

Q. Do I need a 3D accelerator to play Trespasser?

A. No, Trespasser will include all the features in software mode, if a 3D accelerator isn't present.

Q. Will I see a performance improvement with a 3D accelerator?

A. Yes. We'll support everything we have time for. Sending mail requesting support for your specific card isn't necessary.

Q. Are you guys completely full of it?

A. Er,..um.. as often as possible.