January 1st, 2023

Happy New Year!

A new year has begun, and this community has survived yet another year. It is amazing to see this community still growing and attracting new people to the modding scene. We can’t wait to see what the community will create in 2023!

Trespasser Mod Manager

To start the new year, MikeTheRaptor has released a major update to their Mod Manager. The code has been rewritten, the UI has been redesigned, and there are many new features added, like enabling certain INI settings, installing certain supported mods, and being able to install the game from the CD. For full list of new feature, take a look at the download page.

December 25th, 2022

Merry Tres-mas!

As 2022 comes to an end, the community survives yet another year. This year, TresCom turned 20 years old. After 20 years, this community is still active. While we don’t have anything special for you today, behind-the-scenes a lot of stuff is happening.

Work continues on the 20th TresCom Anniversary level. They have done some amazing work. So much, in fact, that it might turn into a 25th Trespasser Anniversary level.

Members of the Forum and Discord continue on with their various projects; both in public and in private.

Did you know that the TresCom theme you’re currently seeing on this site is the same one since 2002?

We hope you all have a lovely holiday, and if you don’t know what else to do? Play some Trespasser 😉

November 19th, 2022

Trespasser Mod Manager v0.3.6 (v0.3.8)

NOTE: MikeTheRaptor has released v0.3.8 (Nov 28th). See below links for further information!

MikeTheRaptor has released a new version of their Mod Manager, making it simpler to to change the active mod folder when using the CE patch. In the latest release, you are now allowed to set your own CE executable to launch, removing the need to have it named in a specific name.

Download: Trespasser Mod Manager

This project now has a GitHub page as well: Trespasser Mod Manger GitHub Page

Blender TPM Addon v0.4.4 (And v0.5.0 RC2 Experimental)

LtSten has updated the Blender TPM addon after an issue found by a community member while importing dinosaurs with the plugin. They also released an experimental build, allowing the import of bones and skins.

Download: Blender 3.0 TPM Addon

This project now has a GitHub page as well: Blender TPM Addon GitHub Page

New Dinosaurs!

A fairly newcomer to the TresCom community, gooplieslime has been busy converting dinosaurs from other media for Trespasser. As of now, they have released raptors from the Playstation 1 game “The Lost World: Jurassic Park”, as well as the Herrarasaurus and Troodon from “Jurassic Park: The Game”.

PS1 TLW Raptors: PS1 Raptors Download

JPTG Herra & Troodon: JPTG Herrerasaurus & Troodon Download

October 28, 2022 – Trespasser Anniversary


On today, 24 years ago, Trespasser was released in stores. 24 years later, we are still here and stand strong. 🙂

September 8, 2022 – Seamus Interview & MinePass

Seamus Blackley Interview

Part 1 of 3. What was Seamus Blackley’s role into the creation of the Jurassic World franchise? What is Trespasser’s role in this? The inspiration that Trespasser give still lives on today. Our own Scallenger was lucky to be able to interview Seamus Blackley about his role in the creation of the Jurassic World franchise. Part 1 is out, where Seamus talks about how he ended up working on Trespasser, as well as his experience during development!

MinePass Video Update

We’ve got another video for you as well. MinePass, a Minecraft project by MinePass where they seek out to recreate Isla Sorna inside of Minecraft has posted a video update, showcasing the current project. It is a massive and creative project, which is highly recommended to follow!

New Level And Trespasser Re-Imagination

InGen Compound

After 1,5 years in development, TrespasserGuy has released their new level “InGen Compound”. It is a shorter level that focuses on exploration and puzzles. Check it out! InGen Compound Download


Trespasser Re-Imagination

A recently joined (but long time Trespasser fan) Geoff_The_Giraffe has shown us their re-imagination of Trespasser. Any type of remake of Trespasser is time consuming and it is amazing the effort and time people put into their own remakes. It is amazing to see how several of these projects pops up and continues to develop. You can follow their work over on their Itch: Itch.io – Untitled Dinosaur Game

Trespasser: Jurassic Park – What Happened

Happy to see that there is an ever increasing supply of Trespasser videos on the web. This time the popular Matt McMuscles gives us some valuable insights into the development of Trespasser. 

Guess who also gets a mention? (We are quite humbled)

Trespasser 2D Demo

Trespasser in 2D? Why not? Over the years we’ve had several projects which aim were to recreate the game in various forms, 2D, 3D and VR. Dino Parker wants to share their work-in-progress of their recreation of the game in 2D.

The goal is to get this released for both PC and Android. As Dino Parker notes: “Since I am just an amateur game developer, kindly bear with me if any glitches/ errors that might pop up during the game. It should run fine on PCs with latest Microsoft builds. Kindly let the community members trying the demo to suggest improvements and/or modifications to me @this mail id, so I can refine and give a better version in the final build. Hope you guys enjoy it!”

Email to Dino Parker is: “jptrespasser2d (at) gmail (dot) com” or you could use the comment section on the download as well, which can be found here: Trespasser 2D Demo Download

Enjoy! 🙂

Various Trespasser Projects

Today’s news post will be packed with updates and showcases of various Trespasser-related topics not directly related to modifying the game.


Trespasser in Minecraft? Yes. For the past six years, MinePass has worked on their recreation of Trespasser inside of Minecraft. A massive work where almost everything is built by hand.

3D Printed Art

Community member Wedge_Antilles showcased some 3D printed Trespasser art they made on our Discord. It is really impressive to finally see Trespasser-related art in 3D style. If you happen to have Instagram, you can follow them for more updates: Wedge_Antilles Instagram

Trespasser Comic

We got even more art coming. PierceHill started to make a comic based on Trespasser that will be based both on the events of Trespasser as well as the movie. A few pages have been done. These are all drawn by hand on paper. You can keep yourself updated in the official forum thread: Trespasser Comic Forum Thread

Toy Photography

Long time community member Draconisaurus continues their toy photography. I thought this was worth a mention.

JPDS Turns 11

Guest News Post by Draconisaurus

“Hello! On this day in 2011, JPDS was released to the public. It had been in production since December 2004, bringing production time to around 6.5 years, or one ten millionth of the time since they say Dinosaurs ruled the Earth (circa 1993). We spared no expense. The JPDS Team varied in its membership over time but eventually we pulled through and released a finished, though incomplete, mod to play.

MikeTheRaptor was a great conceptualizer, and modeler, a good friend to bounce ideas with. JPXTom, originally showed me TresCom at the JPToys.com forums. DemonCarnotaur did some great concept art sketches, including the initial area of a helicopter crash by an Ankylosaur and dead Pterosaur. RyanEaglesfield, was hard to work with sometimes but in the end gave some great material. TrikeUatra gave us a great menu. SecondIlliteration did TONS of Dino skin work. Mickey was invaluable for his musical ear, and his sense of a good natural environment in Tres. Nem helped a bit, and Slash_Master. But the mod would never have been finished in time without Tatu arriving on Site B to fix the foliage height errors from JPDS’s bizarre 4096^2 terrain. He even did some level work in the Plains area. 8 )

In recent times I’ve finally gotten a nice amount of feedback on the mod. Youtube playthroughs are quite standard these days and people seem to mention playing JPDS somewhat frequently. I’m glad everyone enjoys it! I myself learned a ton from the experience. Sadly I doubt I’ll ever have a mod project going on so massive as JPDS was.”


Please join us as you discuss your memories and thoughts about the JPDS mod on the celebration thread: JP: Dark Secrets 11th Anniv.