October 28, 1998 – Trespasser is released in stores around the world.
Trespasser ended up being criticized and sold very few copies, even being called worst game of the year. While some see the game as a failure, we the community do not. Many people have come and gone during the years, spreading the love of the game. Even 20 years after release the community is standing strong. During our existence we have created tons of content for the game – levels, models, fan fiction and several tools to aid us in modifying the game and create new content for it. A patch called CE Patch brought us better modern OS support among other cool contents to inspire people to create content for the game many years to come.
It is not only user made content the community have. During the years we have received original Trespasser content, including original documents, voiceover scripts, assets and early game builds, including long lost (cut) levels as Pine Valley and Plantation House.
For this anniversary we have some fun releases to share:
Update: Scallenger have released an Anniversary Edition of his Jurassic Time book, updated with some fantastic new art. You get find it on his Jurassic Time page.
Twitter Tag
Join us to spread the word on Twitter using the hashtag #Trespasser20yrs to share your story, memory, screenshots or other Trespasser related thing to the world. This one was suggested by no other than the Trespasser developer Rolf Mohr 🙂
20th Anniversary Community Level

The most important content for Trespasser’s 20th anniversary is this 20th anniversary community level. The community have manage to work together and created this amazing piece of level. It can be played from start to finish and while it might contain some unpolished parts, it is the first time in many years the community have come together to work on a level. Give it a try and have fun! If used with the CE patch, you will get an awesome custom looking sky!
The level can be found in our levels section or downloaded here: Tres20_v0-3-4_Drac.rar (27.9 MB)
Rebel’s Crossbow Contest
For the 20th Anniversary Rebel did some cool work making a working crossbow. Of course this means we will have a contest. While we are unsure of any prices it will mainly be for fun and possibly some fun special forum role (if not already a member, join our forum!! 😉 ). There are both a standalone package using the ATX patch and a version of the CE patch made by TheIdiot. Ready, aim, fire! Do not cheat 😉 Take a screenshot and share your result on our forum!
You can find the standalone ATX package here: CrossBow_ATXPackage.zip (16.9 MB)
You can find the CE package here: CrossBow_CEPackage.zip (1.6 MB)
Post your scores at our forum: CrossBow Score Topic
Trespasser Millennium
Over the years we have seen a few modding suites for Trespasser containing all the required tools to create your own levels for the game. First we had Trespasser CE (not to be confused with the CE Patch), and then we had Trespasser Twilight. Now we have a new, update modding suite – Trespasser Millennium.
You can find it in out tools section or download it here: Tres_Millennium.7z (253.7 MB)
New Trespasser Fan Site
This was supposed to be a news post back in April but for whatever reason it was left as a draft.
It is not common these days. In fact, it is a rarity. It’s been a very long time since anyone created their own fan site for this game however, our forum member Melber have made one.
The website is still under construction, but give it all your support!
TI’s Mega Jungle
For a few years now TheIdiot have released some versions of his Mega Jungle, a resource level that contain new content that other people can use in their levels. For the 20th anniversary, version 1.5 have been released, including “new usable Hawaiian Palms as well as the allosaurus I teased a while ago, plus a brand-new (but unfinished) willow tree, which I intend to eventually be part of a swamp-themed set of foliage. Additionally, the evergreens are now lower-poly so hopefully they won’t destroy your performance so much.”.
You can find the download in our editing section or download it here: TIMegaJungle_V0.5.zip (23.7 MB)
TI’s Trespasser Weapon Sound Overhaul
A long time ago TheIdiot did a weapon sound overhaul mod for an unknown user and have now decided to release it to the public. This can be used with ATX and CE, please see their documentation on how to use custom made TPA files.
You can find it in our editing section or download it here: WeaponSoundOverhaulTPA.zip (2.5 MB)
TPA Player
Not to be confused with TPA Reader, TPA Player is what its name suggest – a TPA player. It will allow you to play Trespasser TPA files like a small media player. A simple utility for anyone who only wants to listen through the audio without export it.
Found in our tools section or here: tpa_player_1.5_setup.zip (555.2 KB)