Draco’s Plains Release

Many years ago, the community received a bunch of official Trespasser assets. Among these files were an early version of Plains in 3ds Max format. Sadly this file only had foliage and the Block House, but not terrain, or textures.

The last few weeks, our forum member Draconisaurus have worked hard to make a terrain based on the height of the objects found in this 3ds Max scene. The result is really nice and it gives you an insight of what the level might have been at one point.

Download here: http://www.trescom.org/download/downloads/levels/PL_v0-6_releaseA.7z

Intruder: Isla Sorna Demo and Level download section updated!

Intruder: Isla Sorna Demo

Some of you might remember Deagles4life’s work on remaking Trespasser in the Unity engine. He made some really nice progress and have now released a new Demo for it. The Demo can be downloaded from below.


“The download contains both version 2 and version 3 which are listed as v.2 and v.3”.

You can follow his progress on his Facebook page.
You can also find the original release post in this forum post.

Level download section updated!

Out download section for levels have been increased with a lot of new (old) levels. It contains various work made in the past. Some have been released before and some don’t. Machf have done great work going though his files to find old and lost fan levels.

As our download section have started to increase, work as began to make new subcategories for easier navigation. Updates on this to come.

E3 Demo Finally Found!

E3 Demo Finally Found!

We all thought it was lost. We all have asked if a copy had survived anywhere out there. Would we ever see it?
Great news appeared in our forum a few weeks ago when our member Deadeyeguy_45 discovered a Tweet from no other than Seamus Blackley himself sharing his discovery of the famous E3 Demo build shown at E3 1998.


Not only that, he also found 2 other builds. A later look at those it was noted that it was an early PCGamer build (for a preview), and another copy of the E3 Demo build, so in all, 2 builds. This game gives me a very cool nostalgic feeling, you should definitely check it out.

These versions contain the famous green T-Rex and Brown raptor. The PCGamer build also contain the long lost, and mythical level PH (Plantation House), originally located between JR and IJ. Both builds can be run and played even on modern systems (confirmed to work on Windows 10 64-bit).

After some talk with him, he was happy to share these with the public, so grab your own copy of these early builds now! You can get them HERE at our forum.

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New Trespasser CE Patch

Only some time after the early build releases, Lee Arbuco reappears with a new CE patch after 2 years of inactivity. This huge update bring support for users themselves to create their own scripts for the game and some other neat functions. Be sure to grab it and check it out HERE

Jack Horner – Talks at Google

Jack Horner recently had an open discussion at Google. During the talks the renowned paleontologist covers several hot topics: “Jurassic World”, “Jurassic Park” & “Genetics”. The video is available right here:



If you want more, have a look at our exclusive Jack Horner interview, where he responded to our community questions.

New Trespasser Fan-Art & Magazine Scans

New Trespasser Fan-Art

Do anyone here remember Uroš Begović? No? Some members might remember him from a few years back, when he made a fantastic fan-art cover for a Trespasser comic book (link). Sadly he never made a comic out of it, however, now he is back with some new fantastic fan-art.


Head over and visit his site for more beautiful fan-art.

Magazine Scans

As some of you might have notices, I (Tatu) have become and admin again. This means I will work on the site and the forum, and you might see some changes from time to time. I have already done some minor fixes to the main site. One thing that I have added is Hilwo’s Trespasser Combined Beta/Retail Stream.tpa Voiceover List, replacing his old ones. Head over to our Article section.

While you are there, you will see a link to a new Gallery. This is where we will place every Trespasser article from magazines that we or you find. Right now we have many added, most in non-English language. There is also an article about a programming tutorial by no other than Trespasser’s Rob Wyatt, written during the time he worked on Trespasser. Go check it out!

I have also added most of the missing videos back to the video site (now you can download them again!). They have been missing since GameSpy closed their service many years ago.

One last thing, we have turned on an extra layer of security when you register a new account (users with an existing will not notice this) on our forum in order to get control of all spambots we get. So far it seems to work without any problems, but if you have problem creating a new account, please contact us.

Jurassic Time: Gold

Everyone, including me, thought 2013’s edition of Jurassic Time (Annotated) was the final one. But it looks like since we got a 4th Jurassic Park film this year we may as well have a 4th edition of everyone’s favorite John Hammond memoir: Jurassic Time! The “Gold” edition is indeed the final one, for sure (unless we unearth pristine and uncut recordings of Attenborough’s dialogue). It removes all of the Thomas Hammond tracks from the previous release to give fans of the game a more authentic experience. You can still download the “Annotated” edition with those tracks in the archives and read up as to why they are gone from this edition. In their place are two brand-new intro and outro tracks meant to sell the idea that this all came from some old lost tapes laying around Hammond’s mansion. Otherwise all of the John Hammond tracks are identical to those from before; still in fantastic music sound quality and filled to the brim with appropriate sound effects.

Sometimes these Jurasic Park games remind me of when I was a little kid playing Pitfall with my Super Nintendo I love the whole Indiana Jones similarities. One of these days my kid told me that there is like a new version of Pitfall that is called Subway Surfers MOD where you have daily quests and you can compete with friends to see who can survive the longest.

I can understand those not interested in this edition since it actually offers less than before. But trust me when I say that this, to me, is the definitive way to really listen to it. Anyone who wants to experience more of the story really needs to download the “Excavated” book edition that features the entire script with pictures in a scrapbook form.

This has entire process of making all of these editions has been a labor of love for me, and I hope my final sendoff is one that will be enjoyed. Thank you all for your interest. The pleasure has all been mine. Click on the logo below to be taken to the site.


Intruder: Isla Sorna Demo And Kickstarter Campaign!

Cory Broad’s exciting new vision of Jurassic Park and Trespasser springs to life in a new demo available for all to explore! Check out the Facebook page and click on “Play Game” near the top to be taken to the demo download. If you like what you see, be sure to support Cory by funding his Kickstarter campaign!

Exclusive Mark Stutzman Interview – Jurassic Park McDonald’s Cup Illustrator


Check out this exclusive interview with Mark Stutzman! Anyone who grew up in the early 90s when Jurassic Park came out will likely remember the unforgettable illustrations Mark covered the McDonald’s drink cups with. Here you can see for the first time two of them in full! And get a unique behind the scenes perspective on the making of them, as well as other unique projects! Remember the old film one last time before venturing into the new with Jurassic World!

Server problems resolved

During the past few months we received a lot of complaints of people having trouble with our forum registration. As it turned out, the email server we had been using was shut down by the host without any notification. Upon notice, we fixed it immediately, but we sincerely apologize for the trouble it may have caused. The forum has always been very welcoming to newcomers, so if you happened to be a viction, please retry today!


Merry Christmas

Ho,ho,ho… I know that this may seem as a pretty lame intro to an awesome post, but what can I say: i am a sucker for the festive spirit. It has been yet another incredible year here at TresCom. We have seen new fan projects such as the incredible Trespassing, a CryEngine Total Conversion, an entire rebuild of the entire Trespasser source known as Trespasser CE (I know what you are thinking and yes – it does add new shiny effects to the old Trespasser Engine!), several incredible interviews with Austin Grossman and Scallenger and then there was JP:Aftermath, an incredible port to the Unity-Engine.


There were other Jurassic Park news, of course:  Jurassic World is happening and wowed us with an oddly inaccurate version of Andy from Parks and Recreation riding with a gang of velociraptors. I know, we were thinking the same thing, but hey – there will be dinosaurs, so we are still psyched! On a sad note, however, John Hammond (Sir Richard Attenborough) passed away in August this year. He was an incredible actor and director – and he will be truely missed by all of us.

To leave you on a happy note, it just so happens that JP:Aftermath released a christmas video to hit you over the head with the right christmas mood:

Merry christmas, everyone!