Being on a remote, dinosaur infested island without any means of protection would certainly suck. Though almost any object in the game can be used as a weapon, Trespasser features many real-world weapons, licensed by the actual manufactures. Each Firearm behaves close to reality in sound, recoil, fire rate and ammunition. The guns available in the game are listed below, and those guns that were cut, are listen after:

.357 Magnum (S&W Model 686)
.357 Magnum (S&W Model 686)Damage: 18
Fire rate: 3 p/s
Ammo: 6
Recoil: 40
Range: 500
A popular revolver with police forces – but not as good against dinosaurs. Fires surprisingly fast, however, so it can be good at closer ranges.
IMI .44 Desert Eagle
gun4Damage: 20
Fire rate: 3 p/s
Ammo: 8
Recoil: 35
Range: 500
Made famous by games such as “Tomb Raider” and movies such as “The Matrix”, this big-bore semi-automatic handgun is common on the island, and very useful.
Kalashnikov AK-47
gun2gun2Damage: 15
Fire rate: 10 p/s
Ammo: 40 (drum magazine 100)
Recoil: 55 (drum magazine 60)
Range: 200
The famous Russian assault rifle, known for simplicity and reliability – which also makes it popular with terrorists, insurgent groups, and gangsters. It is not very accurate, but useful overall. It comes with two clip sizes – a regular “banana” which holds 40 rounds, and a “drum” which holds 100 rounds.
Barret M82 .50 caliber
gun21Damage: 100
Fire rate: 1 p/s
Ammo: 10
Recoil: 150
Range: 500
A high-powered sniper rifle that fires a high-velocity .50 caliber cartridge. It is popular with police and military special forces because it is accurate to ranges of 1.5 miles.
Barreta 93r
gun6Damage: 15
Fire rate: 2,5 p/s
Ammo: 7
Recoil: 20
Range: 500
An automatic pistol that is very inaccurate, but fires in quick bursts. It will empty its 20-round magazines very quickly.
Baseball bat
Damage: Unknown
Fire rate: None
Ammo: None
Recoil: None
Range: None
Just a regular baseball bat. Available in two versions, metal and wood.
Benelli M1 Super 90
Damage: 30
Fire rate: 1,5 p/s
Ammo: 7
Recoil: 65
Range: 500
A semi-automatic 12 gauge shotgun that is commonly used by police SWAT teams as an entry weapon. It is good for close-range combat.
Browning M2 (AKA ‘Ma Deuce’)
Damage: 30
Fire rate: 8,3 p/s
Ammo: 200
Recoil: 100
Range: 500
A powerful .50 caliber machine gun, widely used by the U.S. Army and other militaries around the world. It fires the same rounds as the Barret, but it isn’t very accurate at long range. Very useful against the T-Rex.
Calico MP50 (Calico M960)
Damage: 5
Fire rate: 11 p/s
Ammo: 100
Recoil: 10
Range: 250
A light submachine gun that is inaccurate and not terribly powerful, but it makes up for these disadvantages with its high-capacity 100-round magazine and its rapid rate of fire.
Hammond’s Revolver
Damage: 50
Fire rate: 5 p/s
Ammo: 6
Recoil: 50
Range: 500
This snub-nose .38, found in the master bedroom. It may be small, but it packs a surprising punch – try it and you’ll be amazed at what you see.
Browning High-Power Hunting Rifle
Damage: 25
Fire rate: 0,75 p/s
Ammo: 10
Recoil: 35
Range: 400
A very accurate, but slow-firing high-powered rifle with a 10-round clip. If you can master this weapon, you’ll have the all-around best rifle in the game.
H&K VP70
Damage: 15
Fire rate: 3 p/s
Ammo: 6
Recoil: 25
Range: 500
A compact little handgun that isn’t terribly useful, but it does fire somewhat fast and accurately. Known as the first polymer pistol ever.
H&K 91 (AKA G3 A3)
Damage: 20
Fire rate: 4p/s
Ammo: 20
Recoil: 30
Range: 500
The standard service rifle of the Bundeswehr (German Army), it fires fast and powerfully, though it isn’t terribly accurate. Recoil is not bad.
Damage: 12 with silencer: 9
Fire rate: 13 p/s
Ammo: 60
Recoil: 10
Range: 300 with silencer: 150
A machine pistol version of the famous MP5 submachine gun, weapon of choice for counter-terrorist teams all around the world. Has a good rate of fire and accuracy, but does little damage. Comes both with and without a silencer.
Damage: 20
Fire rate: 3,5 p/s
Ammo: 20
Recoil: 50
Range: 400
Service rifle of the U.S. Army in the 1960s (before introduction of the M16), this fast-firing rifle is almost a fully automatic version of the hunting rifle. It does a similar amount of damage and accuracy, so it is a good weapon to be carrying if you find it.
Ingram MAC10
Damage: 8
Fire rate: 18 p/s
Ammo: 45
Recoil: 10
Range: 300
A very fast-firing machine pistol that does plenty of damageat close range, but it is horribly inaccurate and is best fired only in short bursts if it is to be used effectively. Popular with criminals due to small size and light weight.
Nedry’s Medieval Mace
Fire rate: none
Ammo: none
Recoil: none
Range: none
Nedry’s medieval mace can only be found in his office.
Ruger Redhawk
Damage: 25
Fire rate: 2 p/s
Ammo: 6
Recoil: 100
Range: 500
A very accurate and fairly powerful hunting revolver designed to take down thin-skinned game. Not a bad choice against smaller dinosaurs, but not as good as the Desert Eagle.
Franchi Spas 12
Damage: 30
Fire rate: 1,75 p/s
Ammo: 8
Recoil: 70
Range: 500
Another favorite shotgun for police SWAT teams. It does the same damage as the Benelli M1 and has a great capacity, but recoil is a bit worse. Useful at close range against Raptors.
Tranquilizer Pistol
Damage: 0 (paralyses the dinosaur)
Fire rate: 0,75 p/s
Ammo: 6
Recoil: 15
Range: 200
The famous handgun used in the JP movies.
Tranquilizer Rifle
Damage: 0 (toxic version 100)
Damage with toxic arrows: 150
Fire rate: 1p/s
Ammo: 5
Recoil: 40 Toxic gun: 50
Range: 400
The tranquilizer rifle from the movies. Available in two versions, one with toxic arrows, one with regular ones. Early version of these rifles had the back grip and can only be found in the two Test Scene levels.
Dino Prod (Tazor)
Damage: 1,75
Fire rate: none
Ammo: unlimited
Recoil: none
Range: none
The famous tazor from “The Lost World”.
Cattle Prod (Tazorgun)
Damage: 1,75
Fire rate: none
Ammo: unlimited
Recoil: none
Range: none
Similar to the Dino Prod. Same strength and all, but more handy… This can only be found in the basement of the Town level.
Fire rate: none
Ammo: unlimited
Recoil: none
Range: none
A sledgehammer, which can be found laying around in several levels.
Springfield .45 M1911
Damage: unknown
Fire rate: unknown
Ammo: 7
Recoil: unknown
Range: unknown
Standard service sidearm of the U.S. Army for 75 years, this dependable semi-automatic pistol does moderate damage and has moderate clip size, but it is very accurate and has little recoil. This one can only be found in the basement of Jungle Road, and is one of the only guns found in early Trespasser versions.

Cut Contents:

The weapons listed in this section are guns that were cut at some point during development. These can either be found in early versions of the game, or in their original 3ds Max files.

Freedom Arms .454 Casull
Damage: Unknown
Fire rate: Unknown
Ammo: 5
Recoil: Unknown
Range: Unknown
The .454 Casull is manufactured by Freedom Arms, founded in 1978. The .454 Casull was first produced in 1983, and have since then have several different models. It is still in production today as Model 83.
Coonan .357 Magnum – Cadet Model
Damage: Unknown
Fire rate: Unknown
Ammo: 6
Recoil: Unknown
Range: Unknown
The development of the Coonan .357 Magnum started in 1977 by Dan Coonan. In the early 1990’s, a cut-down model with shortened barrel and grip was introduced.
Damage: Unknown
Fire rate: 12-15p/m Semi: 45-60p/m Cyclic: 700-950p/m
Ammo: 20/30
Recoil: Unknown
Range: 550m (point target) 800m (area target)
Introduced in the U.S. military in 1964 and by 1969 it became the standard rifle for the U.S. military. Still in used today by many different countries.Famous gun and used by military all over the world.
Walther PPK
Damage: unknown
Fire rate: unknown
Ammo: 8+1 (.22 LR), 7+1 (.32 acp), 6+1 (.380)
Recoil: unknown
Range: 244-308 m/s
A different version from the orginial Walther PP used by German in World War II. The gun is a semi-automatic pistol.
S&W 5900
Damage: unknown
Fire rate: unknown
Ammo: unknown
Recoil: unknown
Range: unknown
Can be seen used by actors in several movies, exampel Lethal Weapon and CSI.
Flintlock Pistol
Damage: unknown
Fire rate: unknown
Ammo: unknown
Recoil: unknown
Range: unknown
Flintlock Pistol was used for several centuries. You often see them in pirates movies.
Flintlock Rifle
Damage: unknown
Fire rate: unknown
Ammo: unknown
Recoil: unknown
Range: unknown
Flintlock Rifle was used for several centuries.
Glock 17
Damage: unknown
Fire rate: unknown
Ammo: 17
Recoil: unknown
Range: 375 m/s
A semi-auto gun used by many bad guys in movies.
S&W M76
Damage: unknown
Fire rate: 720 p/s
Ammo: 14/24
Recoil: unknown
Range: 150-200
The Smith & Wesson M76, is a submachine gun made between 1967 and 1974.
Double-Barreled Shotgun
Damage: unknown
Fire rate: 2 p/s
Ammo: 2
Recoil: unknown
Range: unknown
Double-barreled shotgun is famous to be used by hunters around the world.
Hammonds Revolver 2
Damage: 50
Fire rate: 5 p/s
Ammo: 6
Recoil: 50
Range: 500
A second version of Hammond’s Revolver.
Ingram MAC10
Damage: 8
Fire rate: 18 p/s
Ammo: 45
Recoil: 10
Range: 300
The early versions of the Ingram MAC10, with a grip. It also had a silencer version.
H&K 91 (AKA G3 A3) – Drum version
Damage: 20
Fire rate: 4p/s
Ammo: 20
Recoil: 30
Range: 500
Drum version of the H&K 91. This can be found in Alpha/Beta versions of the game.
Fire rate: none
Ammo: unlimited
Recoil: none
Range: none
Famous baton used by many police officers around the world. This can be found in Alpha/Beta versions of the game.
Aztec/Mixtec Sacrificial Knife
Damage: unknown
Fire rate: none
Ammo: unlimited
Recoil: none
Range: none
Even tho the ruins in the game is from the Maya civilization, this beautiful knife comes from the Aztec/Mixtec civilization. The handle is carved in wood and covered with mosaic of turquoise, shell and malachite. The blade is made of chalcedony. The knife was made breakable. It’s unknown why they made a Aztec/Mextec knife for the game, or its intention.